Prayer Requests
We believe in the power of prayer! Let us know how we can be praying for you. Or if you have a praise report, let us know how we can be celebrating with you!
At Hillsong church, we believe that caring for people is one of the most important things we can do. We strive to provide support, compassion, and love to each member of our church family, as well as those in our local and global community through City Care.
We take time to listen to their stories and concerns and offer practical and spiritual help. Our church also works to provide tangible assistance in the form of meals, clothing, and other supplies to those in need. We also partner with other organizations and churches that provide services like job training, housing assistance, and counseling.
We recognize that it’s not enough to simply provide for people’s physical needs; we also strive to care for their spiritual needs through prayer, pastoral chats, Bible studies, and fellowship. We believe that everyone is valuable and worthy of love, and we strive to serve as a beacon of hope in our community.