Thank you for giving

Your generosity helps build the church and makes a difference in people's lives. 

Why We Give

We believe in the Biblical principle of tithing. In Malachi 3:10 (NLT) the Bible talks about bringing the first 10% (tithe) of your income into the storehouse (church). Tithes and Offerings received at Hillsong fund the vision and activities of our church.

Proverbs 21:26 says ‘the godly love to give’ (TLB), this is seen through the countless volunteer hours offered to run community programs, in those serving in church services and through those who financially support the church and its initiatives.

Tithes and Offerings received support our day-to-day operating expenses, including campus operations (online church & services), staffing, people care, Kids, Youth, Connect Groups, Sisterhood, Creative, City Care and global initiatives, midweek programs, and general administrative professional fees.

Ways to give

Thank you for investing in the lives of others.
All giving to Hillsong Canada is tax deductible.

Give Online

Easy & Secure giving through our website


Download the Church Center app for iPhone & Android


Include details and e-transfer to:

Cash or Cheque

Cheque Payable to ‘Hillsong Toronto’. Mail to PO Box 75070, 20 Bloor Street East, Toronto, ON M4W 3T3


Give using the envelope on your seat, or at the Giving Station during our regular Sunday services

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:25 (NIV)

More About Tithes & Offerings

Check out these videos from our Global teaching team to learn more about what the Bible says on Tithes & Offerings and how we are blessed to be a blessing.

Mailing Address
PO Box 75070, 20 Bloor Street East
Toronto, ON, M4W 3T3
Hillsong Canada

Join us this Sunday at one of our locations. 

Hillsong Church Global

Hillsong is a global church that is passionate about the local church.